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Entrepreneurial Tests
“If you have to take a test to find out if you are an Entrepreneur, you probably aren’t one.” Andrew Anderson
The Simple Answer To Making More Money
How You Can Make More Money Starting Right Now I hardly ever login to Linkedin and only do Facebook about once a week if that. Plus, I have been keeping my Twitter to a minimum these days which is a whole other blog post, but in my quarterly login to Linkedin, I came across one […]
Get 10 Minutes Of Transcription For Free!
Using A Transcription Service Makes You More Money I get asked quite often what is the best way to easily add more to the bottom line and perhaps the easiest one of all is using a Transcriptionist instead of a typing things out yourself. Why you might ask? Well, it is because you already know […]
How I Took Out My Car And Computer In 5 Seconds! Beat That!
Well, it has been one of those weeks with Murphy in full force. I managed to take out my computer and my car each in less than 5 seconds since this last weekend. While I knew it was possible, I had just never done it myself. While I was driving less than five mph, apparently […]
More Chaos To Come
More Chaos to come that is for sure. In my previous post, I talked about how to come out ahead of the stupidity in DC. Most of them are in denial and are not taking any of the blame for the Downgrade of the US Debt for the first time in History. They are spending […]
Chaos is Here And Profits Are Everywhere!
Profits Are Everywhere Plus…. How To Fix The Economy Overnight OK, well, I thought that I would throw that pic in there just because they were advertising to a very niche market and you know what? It actually worked. Right up until the busy body whack jobs imposed the prohibition. Kind of like th […]
The Lone Ranger Wasn’t

Lone Ranger Wasn’t Alone Entrepreneur Mistakes 101 LikeTelevision Watch Movies and TV Shows One of the biggest mistakes I see Entrepreneurs make is that they think that they can go it alone. Let me clue you in. That is just plain wrong! If you want to really grow and hit your full potential you y […]
Looking For Partner For Ongoing Business
Are You Looking For A Business To Become Involved In That Is Already Up And Running? Perhaps it is you or you know someone that can help me find a partner for one of my niche virtual businesses. I am looking to bring in a partner to run one of my virtual businesses. I currently […]
Gene Simmons Of Kiss On Marketing

Gene Simmons Of Kiss On Marketing Ok, if you have only watched Gene Simmons of KISS on the Apprentice or Family Jewels listen to this interview. It is a treat. This is shows why Gene is the smartest guy in entertainment. Did you know that Kiss has more license agreements than the Beatles? It hav […]