How Little Business Owners Can Beat Big Companies At SEO and Marketing!
First off, we have been doing social media since the stone age, 1990 and watched it evolve and change and also stay the same since them. We have used it to promote our businesses and our clients. I mean you have to eat your own dog food right? Social social media is just another tool […]
Easy Anderson’s Keys To Success Tip #1 – Try Again, But Differently
I am actually going to make this a series on Easy Anderson’s Keys To Success. I will use material from different sources, including my own that communicate my philosophy on success. Enjoy! Here is installment #1
Profit Consultant Late Night Rule For Entrepreneurs
If you are really tired DO NOT DO THIS one thing…
What Do You Want Out Of Your Business?
This is great little video from Derek Sivers who I happen to think is a pretty cool guy. He started CD Baby. It is about your business and what you want to get out of it. Enjoy! Cheers, Andrew
Dwolla- An Interview With The New Way To Pay For Things Online
How Dwolla May Just May Be The Meteor That Makes Other Payment Methods Extinct For Many Business Transactions , Plus All Of Those High Fees Too! This is an interview that I just did with Dwolla, which as far as I am concerned is a Credit Card killer. It might also take a big bite […]
Finding Funds And Places To Invest
Are you looking for money for your business? Are you an investor looking for a new high return investment vehicle? Well this might help you indirectly get in the Black and help you get funding or find a new investment. I put this quick survey together. Please take the time to answer the questions an […]
Featured In Fox Small Business
Well, good PR and Marketing is better than no PR and Marketing don’t you think? 🙂 Just wanted to get a yes out of you right up front here. The answer is yes of course! So, the nice folks over at the Fox Business Website were kind enough to feature one of the companies that […]
Are You A Start Up And Need A Website?

Do You Have A Start Up And Need A Website? We are actively looking for Start Ups that need a Website. There are a couple of things that we can offer you. One, we have started over a dozen companies ourselves We know what you you need to get you up and running as as […]
Social Media Marketing Spotlight with Scars On 45

Scars On 45 I went to go see a band play last night called Scars On 45. You may have heard them on Gray’s Anatomy and they have a couple of songs out now that you may be hearing on the radio. Well, I am letting you know now that you should plan on hearing […]
Steve Jobs may you live on in bits and bytes everywhere
Have to say like many of you I was saddened more than words can say by the news that Steven Jobs has passed away. While I never met him, I did see the genius of his shadow from close up. I came on board Apple to work on an ancillary project the very same week […]