Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spill Is Important To Your Business

If the expected  moratorium on offshore drilling is placed by the administration as rumored, nearly every expert agrees that we could see $5.00+ gas prices at the pump and diesel could shoot up to $7.00. Why should this matter to you other than it is going to make going to the pump painful and the […]

Like the site?

Let me know what you think of the new site design.  Thinking about adding a bit of color, but just wanted to know what you thought. Cheers, Just a tad of color.  My partner Craig had a cow when I showed him some of these. 🙂

The Biggest Asset You Can Have

It is well past 2:00 AM  and I am about bushed.  Started at 8:00 this morning and yet I am still pumped and in a bit of a contemplative mood and tired and wired at the same time  But I have found that in these moments that I have some of my best insights, right […]

Dim Dim Is Brighter Than I Thought

I just wanted to do a follow up post to the one I did yesterday concerning my experience with Dim Dim.  Well, not too long afterward I was contacted via comments on the Blog by their community manager and their CEO did a follow up. OK guys, I am impressed. They wanted to go over […]

Dim Dim Is Dumb Dumb

I normally don’t like to knock other people’s products but I just used, or I should say I tried to use Dim Dim to do a Webinar and it was Dumb, Dumb. Not only that but it auto-loaded itself at start up and it took me four tries to uninstall it. The only reason I […]

Site Overhaul And Other Tidbits

Yes, it is that time again. Been looking at the site while working with clients and pointing out the errors of their ways and then I came back here and found I was doing many of the same things. Whoops… well this weekend I will be changing a few things around.

Once I get them done I will tell […]

Common Sense Marketing

Common Sense Marketing… Really?
Commons Sense Marketing is one of those subjects that when people hear it, they either roll their eyes or get really excited about it. The kicker is that Commons Sense Marketing is really uncommon.

But, Common Sense Marketing when applied and done right c […]