John Stossel And Ayn Rand
As a dyed in the wool Capitalist and a fan of Ayn Rand, I thought I would put these videos of John Stossel’s New Show up for you. Interesting viewing for sure.
In it he discusses Atlas Shrugged, the book by Ayn Rand with a number of people and he talks about the similarities that are going on to […]
SEO Tips And Tricks… Search Engine Optimization Made Easy
SEO Tips And Tricks… Search Engine Optimization Made Easy
I have been playing with SEO since it first came into being and had I known how big a deal it would become, I would be worth a lot more zeros. Since about 2004, I have had several search terms on the front page of Google and Yahoo […]
Profit Consultant Tip #27
Profit Consultant tip #27 is one you may already know how to do, but may have forgotten it and have not made it a habit.
Well, it is time to knuckle down and pull out some of the best tips and tricks I know on how to put more money in your pocket. I am bringing out the big guns as it were. I f […]
Entrepreneureism Is Alive And Well
I had a great shot of enthusiasm over the weekend that I wanted to share with you. It all came about because I had a few items that I wanted to sell or throw away. So I put a couple of ads on and ended up running into some rather interesting Entrepreneurs and people […]
Coke Gets First Ever Darwin Website Design Dodo Award
Coke Gets First Ever Darwin Website Design Dodo Award Coke-Cola’s main Website has won the first ever Darwin Website Design Dodo Award ™ for their design of . This award is handed out for Website designs that show the best of why Dodo’s are now extinct and only live on in books […]
Google Wave, Wave Of The Future….
Google Wave, have you heard the buzz on Google’s latest to go into limited invitation only beta? Well, I have been playing in the Sandbox (that is what they really call it by the way) for sometime now and it has the potential to the a category killer much like Explorer was to Netscape and […]
Profit Consultant – Profits Are Still Out There
Profit Consultant Alert – Profits are still out there, there is money to be had, it is just hiding….. Quite well in some cases I might add. And guess what? Those Profits are going to continue to remain elusive for many. But for those of you that can separate themselves from the crowd, there is […]
You Know You Are An Entrepreneur When…..
When you sign on to you blog after a couple of days of busting your butt and it is 12:01 AM. LOL Man, am I digging this stuff. I pity the poor blokes and blokettes that have never experienced the up and downs of being and Entrepreneur. Which I might ad is pretty unique thing…. […]
Needs And Overhaul Almost As Bad As The Drudge Report
OK, well is not quite as bad as the Drudge Report design, but it is getting rather stale. I should have the new Zippy look next week. Don’t get me wrong, The Drudge report still rocks as far as content and if you really want to find out what is really going on in […]
FTC Adds New Rules For Bloggers & How Grandma, Greenpeace, A Church, And Tea Parties Could Get Nailed.
The FTC or Federal Trade Commission has issued new rules for Bloggers, i.e. that means you! Now depending on your view point, some would say this is good in that it will protect naive or stupid gullible consumers depending on your point of view, while others would say this is just yet another intrus […]