The Only Two Reason Why People Buy Anything

I have seen a lot said about the science of buying, heard PR firms, Advertising Agencies, pundits galore, along with every Tom, Dick, and Harriet out there discuss the psychology of buying and yet, not heard it broken down into these two simple truths in quite this way before. Only Two Reasons I hav […]

Twitter – Why You Need It For Your Business – An Introduction

Understanding Twitter in 5 minutes: Why you need it for your business What it is How it works How you can make money from it By: Andrew Andersen In order to help you understand Twitter, you just need to understand and think about it as the ultimate direct marketing tool because Twitter users volunta […]

Common Sense Marketing Using Twitter Video 1

Common Sense Marketing Using Twitter Video 1. This is the first in a series of video of the Common Sense Marketing Challenge on how to use Common Sense Marketing with Twitter. In it, I layout the Framework for you to use Common Sense Marketing to get more customers and connect with the ones you alre […]

A Big Trick To Boost Your Profits

A Big Trick To Boost Your Profits
Before I get into the Profit Trick, has it been a strange week for you too? It has been a doozy for me. I have not been this busy- busy in some time or just have weird stuff keep popping up. Must be the Moon or something.

Sometimes you get so much going on th […]

Kodak, Trump, Blows IT Again -Gene Simmons Come Back

Kodak Should Have Been Fired For The Second Time
Take the Poll and let me know who you think should have been fired

In last night’s Trump’s Celebrity Challenge with Kodak, the Kodak executives proved yet again why their sales are tanking. In the last show they also failed to pick a really good […]

Common Sense Marketing

Common Sense Marketing… Really?
Commons Sense Marketing is one of those subjects that when people hear it, they either roll their eyes or get really excited about it. The kicker is that Commons Sense Marketing is really uncommon.

But, Common Sense Marketing when applied and done right c […]