Convert To WordPress
Convert Your Site To WordPress If you need a world class website for your business done quickly at the right price with a 30 day money back guarantee, then these are your guys. 🙂 Convert To WordPress | Convert To WordPress makes converting your Website To WordPress, […]
The Easiest Way To Create A Profitable Website

A Profitable Website
This video is best viewed in full screen mode. Click on the icon to the right of the speaker icon above. I will be doing another video going over the basics of what you need and of course, WordPress is the only content managements system that I recommend these days.
WordPress 3.0, Drupal, Joomla,Typepad,Posterous,Vignette And A Reptile
Is a Chameleon In Your Future? There are a lot of choices today in the world of Websites and Blogs for your business.  The tough part is choosing the right one for your business that will make you money and not cost you an arm and a leg. Having worked the nearly every platform out […]
Blog Or Die?
Blog Or Die? …. Don’t have a Blog? Why Your Competition Hopes You Never Get One Updated March 12, 11:22 PM EST By Andrew Anderson My advice for you is to get one today. Seriously, if you are spending money on any other media or advertising and you don’t have a Blog, STOP and get […]
WordPress Questions
WordPress Questions? If you have a WordPress question, you can post it in the comment section below or use the form if you want to keep it private. Either way, I will do my best to answer your WordPress question and get you pointed in the right direction.
The Cobbler Who Wears Flip Flops :)
The Cobbler Who Wears Flip Flops That is exactly how I feel these days. 🙂 Have you ever been there? Have you just been so busy with clients and other people you don’t have time to work on your own projects? While I have been mostly concentrating on some totally mind-blowing SEO / Traffic sys […]
Profitable Website/Blog Blueprint For 2010
Here is my quick blueprint for Websites/Blogs for 2010. The reason why I put this in here is because I have been reminded over the past few days that there are still a lot of people out there still don’t have a Website or a Blog or both. Even if they do, they do not have all of the components that […]
WordPress Profits Video 1 – An Introduction To WordPress
WordPress Introduction: WordPress Profits Video #1
This actually the first video in the series where I take you through the Why, What, How, and What If of WordPress. In other words, I show you why you need to be using this for your Blogs and Websites and how to use it profitably. Plus, I show y […]
Install WordPress Using Bluehost In 5 Minutes
WordPress And How To Install It In Less Than 5 Minutes
This is the first in a series of videos on how to get your own profitable Website up and running.
The first thing to do is to get WordPress installed. It is the only software that I suggest you use at this time to build a profitable Web bu […]
Warning – 2.8 WordPress Has Issues, Do Not Upgrade If..
Warning – 2.8 WordPress Has Issues, Do Not Upgrade If You Need Your Blog In The Next Few Days… If you have a WordPress Blog, do not upgrade to version 2.8 if you need it any time soon. There are some serious issues with this upgrade that need to be resolved. The Admin panel may […]