Profit Consultant Late Night Rule For Entrepreneurs
If you are really tired DO NOT DO THIS one thing…
Texting Makes You Stupid And Costs You Money

Texting Makes You Stupid And Costs You Money OK, my friend’s 15 year old daughter Megan said this to me awhile ago and I realize how wise she is every day. If you run a business, this is especially true. In Tony Schwartz’s book, The Power Of Full Engagement, he shows several studies that when […]
Entrepreneurial Leverage – The X Factor That Allows The Individual To Beat Big Companies Every Time

Entrepreneurial Leverage – The X Factor That Allows The Individual To Beat Big Companies Every Time
Here is how and why the man or woman in their Garage, Basement, or Bedroom that is hoping to start a business and beat the big companies out there that have hundreds of employees and millions o […]
Profit Consultant
A Profit Consultant… OK, this perhaps is a bit overdue and I will probably make a zingier version of this one of these days, but I think this will give you a good idea about what a Profit Consultant can do for you. Or better yet, what I can do for you as a Profit […]
12 Website Rules To Make You More Money
12 Website Rules To Make You More Money
OK, you can start laughing now if you like, but I want to talk about some site design basics. If you look at this site, I am currently breaking about 5 out of the 10 Website rules and I just want to let you know that I am aware of that and I am in the proce […]
Domino’s New Pizza Marketing Campaign Is Doomed To Failure And Here Is Why
Odds Are Domino’s New Marketing Campaign Is Doomed To Fail And How You Can Learn A Lesson From It.
In case you have not heard, Domino’s Pizza is doing a wholesale change across the board on it’s recipe for its pizzas on December 27th, 2009. They are changing everything about their pizza’s. The […]
Negotiating- How To Do It And Why You Need To Learn How To Do It Right
Here is a video from Bob Parsons, one of my favorite “REAL” marketers out there. He has started several successful businesses and now owns and runs the most successful domain and hosting companies in the business. I do suggest that you use them for your domains. And while I am at it, […]
Entrepreneureism Is Alive And Well
I had a great shot of enthusiasm over the weekend that I wanted to share with you. It all came about because I had a few items that I wanted to sell or throw away. So I put a couple of ads on and ended up running into some rather interesting Entrepreneurs and people […]
Google Wave, Wave Of The Future….
Google Wave, have you heard the buzz on Google’s latest to go into limited invitation only beta? Well, I have been playing in the Sandbox (that is what they really call it by the way) for sometime now and it has the potential to the a category killer much like Explorer was to Netscape and […]
Profit Consultant – Profits Are Still Out There
Profit Consultant Alert – Profits are still out there, there is money to be had, it is just hiding….. Quite well in some cases I might add. And guess what? Those Profits are going to continue to remain elusive for many. But for those of you that can separate themselves from the crowd, there is […]