Increase Your Optin Rates By 57% In 3 Minutes


OK, I hate spam more than you do. So you flat out will not get any from me…period.

Andrew Anderson

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The 7 Ps, Prior Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance

Prior Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance
I am bumping this post up because I am reminded of the value and transcendental truth of this yet again.

The first time I heard that adage from two young guys named Hollis and Carter. It was like someone slapped me upside the head and it wa […]

Want To Get Great Search Rankings? Latent Semantic Indexing

I am updating this post. While I would love to show you some results of this, the only thing that I will say at the moment is that this had helped me get several from page listings simultaneously on Google, Bing, and Yahoo. But remember, you have to have great relevant content first and foremost. […]

John Stossel And Ayn Rand

As a dyed in the wool Capitalist and a fan of Ayn Rand, I thought I would put these videos of John Stossel’s New Show up for you. Interesting viewing for sure.

In it he discusses Atlas Shrugged, the book by Ayn Rand with a number of people and he talks about the similarities that are going on to […]

Negotiating- How To Do It And Why You Need To Learn How To Do It Right

Here is a video from Bob Parsons, one of my favorite “REAL” marketers out there. He has started several successful businesses and now owns and runs the most successful domain and hosting companies in the business. I do suggest that you use them for your domains. And while I am at it, […]

Google Wave, Wave Of The Future….

Google Wave, have you heard the buzz on Google’s latest to go into limited invitation only beta?  Well, I have been playing in the Sandbox (that is what they really call it by the way) for sometime now and it has the potential to the a category killer much like Explorer was to Netscape and […]

Working In The Back Room

I have been working on my other project that we are about ready to go with a soft launch on next week.   Well actually we  have a ” Feather Launch” going on right now.   I will put a link up or it early next week so that you can see what I am talking about.  […]

Get 21% More Done Each Day

Here is a tool that I have been using for sometime now.  It is mind-blowing how much simpler staying organized is.  It is great for everyday use as well as for project management, keeping your accounting in order, and just making your life easier. Plus, you never have to forget anything ever again […]