Measuring Success – The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same

Measuring Success It has been awhile since we have looked at the basics of marketing and measurements.  As Peter Drucker said, “What’s measured improves”  and so it goes. It does not matter if you are measuring SEO/SEM, or direct sales, or how many visitors you have to your site,  the fact tha […]

Get 10 Minutes Of Transcription For Free!

Using A Transcription Service Makes You More Money I get asked quite often what is the best way to easily add more to the bottom line and perhaps the easiest one of all is using a Transcriptionist instead of a typing things out yourself. Why you might ask?  Well, it is because you already know […]

How I Took Out My Car And Computer In 5 Seconds! Beat That!

Well, it has been one of those weeks with Murphy in full force.    I managed to take out my computer and my car each in less than 5 seconds since this last weekend. While I knew it was possible,  I had just never done it myself.  While I was driving less than five mph, apparently […]

Texting Makes You Stupid And Costs You Money

Texting Makes You Stupid And Costs You Money OK,  my friend’s 15 year old daughter Megan said this to me awhile ago and I realize how wise she is every day. If you run a business, this is especially true. In Tony Schwartz’s book, The Power Of Full Engagement, he shows several studies that when […]

Hire Right The First Time Series – Part II Qualified Sameness

HIRE RIGHT THE FIRST TIME: Part II Qualified Sameness


By Marilyne Woodsmall



Remember that now more than ever, given the present state of the global economy, it i […]

At Last, How To Profit In This Economy Using Virtual Assistants Or VA’s

Customer Service

Virtual Assistants Allow You To Survive And Thrive
OK, let’s face it. In spite of everything the talking heads in DC say, they are not helping small to medium sized businesses at all. The largest spending bill in the History of the World has been a big flop. Not that this is surprising to anyon […]

Why Clients Suck And Customers Are Great!

Why Clients Suck And Customers Are Great!
OK, what the heck am I talking about here you are asking? Well, over the past few years this has come become more and more clear for me. My partners and I have had hours and hours of conversations about this and we have come to unanimous conclusion. Clien […]

How Not To Let Email And Other Ducks Peck You To Death

How To Not Let Email And Other Ducks Peck You To Death As an Entrepreneur, we are all usually faced with too much to do and too little time to do it. I am sure that you know what I mean. In the past year, I have gotten off track with letting the Ducks peck […]