Hire Right The First Time
HIRE RIGHT THE FIRST TIME: THE CHANGE PEOPLE PATTERN™ – SAMENESS By Marilyne Woodsmall As I mentioned in a prior article, nowadays, given the current economic crisis, it is all the more critical to hire the right person for the right task or right job the first time. Doing so will save you time and […]
How To Communicate To Make More Money And Find The Love Of Your Life!
An interview with the author of the new book “Personality Language” Marilyne Woodsmall
(OK, I threw in the part about finding the love of your life but it is possible 🙂 )
I did this interview when this book first came out and I see that there a few people have picked on just how valuable thi […]

DO TESTIMONIALS REALLY WORK? PART II: By Marilyne Woodsmall WHEN TO USE THEM AND WHEN NOT… In our prior discussion, I talked about the Evaluation People Pattern™. This critical Evaluation People Pattern™ determines how an individual makes a judgment. In the context of sales, this pattern revea […]
Get 50% More Sales….. An Interview With The Author Of The New Book “Personality Language” Marilyne Woodsmall
Add 50% Or More To Your Sales….. An interview with the author of the new book “Personality Language” Marilyne Woodsmall. I did this interview when this book first came out and I see that there a few people have picked on just how valuable this really is and are starting to teach it. But, why […]
Domino’s Pizza’s New Marketing Results Are In – Not Looking Good
UPDATE Wednesday, January 20th
Well as more votes come in on the poll, it is not looking any better for Domino’s Pizza. About 40.53% like the old Pizza better, 12.87% say is is OK, and only 46.53% like it better. So, what this means is that they have the potential to lose 40% of the custome […]
Domino’s New Pizza Marketing Campaign Is Doomed To Failure And Here Is Why
Odds Are Domino’s New Marketing Campaign Is Doomed To Fail And How You Can Learn A Lesson From It.
In case you have not heard, Domino’s Pizza is doing a wholesale change across the board on it’s recipe for its pizzas on December 27th, 2009. They are changing everything about their pizza’s. The […]
You Know You Are An Entrepreneur When…..
When you sign on to you blog after a couple of days of busting your butt and it is 12:01 AM. LOL  Man, am I digging this stuff. I pity the poor blokes and blokettes that have never experienced the up and downs of being and Entrepreneur.  Which I might ad is pretty unique thing…. […]