Chaos And Opportunity – We Are In The Midst Of Both

Chaos And Opportunity – We Are In The Midst Of Both.  I love it when it pulls up the Frame where you look like a dork don’t you?   🙂 I will be doing another video soon on some specifics that I mention in this video.

How To Get 1,021 New Targeted Twitter Followers Guaranteed

twitter Followers Profit Consultant

If you are looking for complete Twitter management or just want to jump start your targeted followers, I can help.  This can include Geo Targeting (a fancy way of saying by location). You can now get at 1,021 targeted followers for only $79 as an introductory special. This includes scheduling and s […]

Why You Need Social Media


This is why you need to make use of Social Media.  And guys, if you were not thinking about catering to Female clients, you are nuts!

Anderson’s 2 Twitter Rules

Here are 2 Twitter Rules that you must use on Twitter if you want to be successful on it. Rule #1 Try and help, don’t try and sell. Rule #2 See rule 1. Cheers,

Common Sense Marketing Using Twitter Video 1

Common Sense Marketing Using Twitter Video 1. This is the first in a series of video of the Common Sense Marketing Challenge on how to use Common Sense Marketing with Twitter. In it, I layout the Framework for you to use Common Sense Marketing to get more customers and connect with the ones you alre […]

The Cobbler Who Wears Flip Flops :)

The Cobbler Who Wears Flip Flops That is exactly how I feel these days.  🙂  Have you ever been there?  Have you just been so busy with clients and other people you don’t have time to work on your own projects? While I have been mostly concentrating on some totally mind-blowing SEO / Traffic sys […]

2 Tips That Can Increase Your Profits By 30% To 300%

Here are two things that if you follow through and use them, you won’t have to worry about your competition. Because if they are not using these two simple things and I can almost guarantee they are not, you can leave them in the dust. Watch the video and find out how can gain an advantage for tho […]