You Deserve To Be Wealthy And Here Is Why

Piggy Bank

If You Deserve It, You Will Get It
Money makes the world go around. You have heard it. Is there anyone out there that does not believe it? Well, I am going to give you some practical tips on how you can start improving your financial situation, immediately. I am not talking pie in the sky stuff, bu […]


Why Resumes Don’t Matter!
By Marilyne Woodsmall – and author of “Personality Language”

In these challenging economic times, focusing on sales is not the only way to get ahead. One of the areas that some business people forget to consider has to do with the realm […]

Quotes To Get You Profitable!

I love collecting quotes. They can help motivate you and remind you what is important. Here are a few of them for you to chew on. "Coming up with new ideas is easy. It is letting go of the old ones and actually using the new ones that is tough" Easy Anderson "The right man […]

Why You Must Be Mobile Ready!

Why you must be mobile ready!
Just check the first 15 minutes of this video and you will see why you need to be mobile ready. The rest about Flash is not relevant. Flash is dead and don’t use it. It will not work on iPhones, or iPads. Do not fight Apple. 🙂

Know A Website That Sucks Or Is GREAT? Would Love To Hear About It!

Have you ran across a Website that Sucks, is just plain Stupid, or one that you really Like? I want to know about it because I am putting together an article on best and worst Website practices. And before you get all funny, nominations for this one won’t count.  LOL Look forward to the nominations […]