Massive Online Profits 32 Hours Later

Sorry, but I have removed these videos. I don’t want everyone using these techniques as it will ruin it for everyone, including my clients and myself.  I am sure you understand. :)

Encouragement For You Today Because I Know You Can Succeed

Hi there! I hope you are having a fantastic day.  I want to tell you a few things about yourself that I bet not everyone knows.  First off, because you are here reading this, you are pretty darn smart.  You are smart enough to figure out how to log onto the Internet, click on a […]

How They Got Sales To Go Up 5,499% Overnight

How would you like to find out how one company was able to change one thing and then boost sales by 533%, then make another tweak and and then boost sales by 5,499%? I will show you exactly how they did it here.

Ever since I got started in sales decades ago in the 3rd grade selling Christmas ca […]

SEO And Maps, Why You Need Them

At 21to21, we are continuously looking, testing, and integrating Marketing Techniques and Features for you like you have never seen before. You will find we use a mixture of not so common, common sense marketing, mixed with the latest technology that goes way beyond Web 2.0.

Not only that, but w […]

Profitable Website/Blog Blueprint For 2010

Here is my quick blueprint for Websites/Blogs for 2010. The reason why I put this in here is because I have been reminded over the past few days that there are still a lot of people out there still don’t have a Website or a Blog or both. Even if they do, they do not have all of the components that […]

2 Tips That Can Increase Your Profits By 30% To 300%

Here are two things that if you follow through and use them, you won’t have to worry about your competition. Because if they are not using these two simple things and I can almost guarantee they are not, you can leave them in the dust. Watch the video and find out how can gain an advantage for tho […]

Increase Your Optin Rates By 57% In 3 Minutes


OK, I hate spam more than you do. So you flat out will not get any from me…period.

Andrew Anderson

// < ![CDATA[ // < ![CDATA[ (function() { var IE = /*@cc_on!@*/false; if (!IE) { return; } i [...]

Its 3:25 AM And I Am Still Working

Its 3:25 AM And I am still working and I must say I am psyched. I have just had one of those marathon sessions where you get more done in 7 hours than you can in 5 days sometimes. If you have experienced this, you know what I am talking about. Got to love being ADD and OCD, and ADHD all at once. […]