Coke Werror Day 11

Coke still has not fixed the werror on their main page….  Never would have thought it would have taken this long did you?

Day 8 Of The Coke Werror…. Geeshe..

OK, I am getting bored here posting about this now.  Can someone explain to me how a major company can have an werror on the main Web page for at least 8 days?  This could have been like this for weeks or months for all I know. Now I don’t want to fling stones here […]

Day 7 Coke Werror

Werror still on main Coke site.  OK, looks like they might not ever fix it…. Coke, it is the real thing.  🙂

Coke and Warren Buffet Day 5

Day 5 of the Coke and Warren Buffet Werror (web error) saga.  Well, I have still not heard from either Warren Buffet or Coke dang it and they still have a werror on their main page.  🙂

Coke Werror (Web Error) Day Number 4

Coke has still not fixed their Werror on day number 4.  Do you think that they think it is some new cool design?  🙂 I just coined a new term “Werror” for Web Error.  Do you think it will stick? And yes, I will get the other tool video up later today or this evening.

Coke i.e. Coca-Cola Still At It

OK, day number 3 and Coke has still not fixed the graphics error on their main Webpage.  It is like Dudes, get you act together over there! I am rooting for you and all, but as I was speaking with one of my good friends the other day and I asked,  has incompetence become a […]