Capitalism Works For Local Governments Too
Capitalism works in local government too. Why isn’t your city doing this? You might want to ask…. Find out why this city has no long-term debt and kept taxes low, has great services and is beautiful while most other cities have just the opposite going on.
Atlas Shrugged – Why You Should Read It
This one Second Prize in the Atlas Shrugged video contest. Enjoy.
Could not say it better myself.
Andrew Anderson
How To Profit In 2011 – The Thank You Economy
A great video that nails what you need to be thinking about and doing to succeed in 2011. Sorry about the stupid commercial. 🙂 Let me know what you think.
Qauntitative Easing Why It Is Really Bad, And Using Videos Right
Here is a great video on Quantitative Easing. This is what had so many countries truly ticked off and upset with the the President and the Fed during his most recent whirl wind trip around the World. It also is a GREAT example of how to use a simple video to explain a complex subject. […]
Apple, Gold, Silver, Oil,The Falling Dollar, And How To Profit From Them
I used to have a blog that discussed investments. I took the site down about 18 months ago because I had too many things going on, but I want to bring the four things that I was very high on investment wise at the time.
Gold, Silver, Oil, and Apple Computers.
Let’s us start with Apple. I […]
Entrepreneurial Leverage – The X Factor That Allows The Individual To Beat Big Companies Every Time
Entrepreneurial Leverage – The X Factor That Allows The Individual To Beat Big Companies Every Time
Here is how and why the man or woman in their Garage, Basement, or Bedroom that is hoping to start a business and beat the big companies out there that have hundreds of employees and millions o […]
At Last, How To Profit In This Economy Using Virtual Assistants Or VA’s
Virtual Assistants Allow You To Survive And Thrive
OK, let’s face it. In spite of everything the talking heads in DC say, they are not helping small to medium sized businesses at all. The largest spending bill in the History of the World has been a big flop. Not that this is surprising to anyon […]
Start Your Business NOW! Here is why you should not wait until next year.
Start Your Business Now – Here Is Why
If you have ever thought about starting your own business or taking it up a notch or three now is the time.
I have covered this in several previous posts, but I think it is really worth repeating based on what is happening right now.
You may have heard […]
Apple And The iPhone And Piling On – A Trend Of The Times?
Bashing Success And Apologizing For Exceptionalism You must have heard by now that Apple has a few issues with the iPhone unless you were living in a cave. Well, by all accounts if you get your news from the LameStream media, you would think that every iPhone is terrible and that the Government sh […]
Chaos And Opportunity – We Are In The Midst Of Both
Chaos And Opportunity – We Are In The Midst Of Both. I love it when it pulls up the Frame where you look like a dork don’t you?  🙂 I will be doing another video soon on some specifics that I mention in this video.