Werror Day 6
Werror Day 6

Day 6 of the werror (web error) on the main page over at Coke.  No call from Warren Buffet or email from him either and the same goes for Coke.

Might see if I can get through the switchboard at Coke or at Berkshire Hathaway if I have the time but we have a launch coming up and that is in rather short supply.  Definitely a lesson for us all.  🙂

Also I will post another really good free tool to help you avoid things exactly like this on your own site and how to have a much more profitable website.  I also  explain why I wrote that sentence exactly the way I did.

Here is a hint…. how would you like me to show you where to gain an audience as large as your current one that I can almost with 100% certainty say that you nor no one else is targeting at all no matter what niche you are in?

I kid you not… kind of a mind blowing marketing mega secret that I have decided to share with you soon.

