” 21 Days To 21% More Profit ”
Perhaps you have a good business but you know that it can be a great one and yet are not sure exactly how to take it to the next level?
Or are you worried about the Economy and being a business failure and watching helplessly as your business, your hopes, and your dreams die before your very eyes and not knowing what to do to stop it?
Now is that a bit dramatic, perhaps, but is also real, I have been there before myself.
21 to 21 helps people just like you create massive success guaranteed or we do not get paid. It is that simple. We know of no other company with this guarantee.
When we say your success is our success, we truly mean it.
We provide a complete strategic design and implementation of Sales/Marketing, Online and Offline Sales, Joint Venture Partners, and Systems Implementation. We also can provide strategic ways in which our clients can get funding for their businesses and projects. In short we implement profit.
We have two basic services available for you to choose from.
Hourly with Profit Sharing. We start at only $99 per hour and then get a 5%- 25% of profit improvement depending on what niche you are in and what we are doing.
Straight hourly. Our rate is currently $400 per hour.
This seems to work well for both us and our clients. So I now hope you have a better understanding about our definition of a Profit Consultant. One of the other criteria that we have is that we must have fun when working with a client as well. We have found we only produce our best results when we actually enjoy the client and vice versa and so that is one of selection criteria when working with someone. And if you decide to do your own thing and not follow what we tell you? We then want the right to bill you for wasting our time. Seems only fair don’t you think?
If you think you have a superior business or idea that we might consider working with, and you truly believe in only Win-Win scenarios and are not afraid to change the way that you do business, then please Click Here or go to our Contact page and give us your contact information and describe your situation and we will be in contact with you shortly.
Andrew Anderson