Transcription Services
Transcription Services Do you need Transcription Work done? Try out and get your first 1 whole hour of audio done for just $20! That is about 8,000 words worth. 🙂 Just let them know you are a new customer when you order and they will refund you the difference when you order! (i t […]
Join For Free!

We have just opened up membership to Profit for free. Why Join? It is a great way for you to learn how to add more to your bottom line. You can learn from others in a wide variety of industries and niches. You can let people know about your business with links back to […]
PayPal And Your Business – A Warning
PayPal Can Make Or Break Your Business Now, I am not one to step in an bash companies for making mistakes as we all make them from time to time and for the most part, I really like PayPal. But… I have recently been involved with a company that has had their PayPal account restricted […]
Twitter – What Is Really Going On
OK, the latest stats by they guys over at Popular Mechanics show that 41 percent of your Twitter followers are Bots or fictitious people, and 41 percent are real people and 18 percent are real companies. How is that for some stats?  Now I am extrapolating here, but I suspect that the numbers are […]
Steve Jobs may you live on in bits and bytes everywhere
Have to say like many of you I was saddened more than words can say by the news that Steven Jobs has passed away. While I never met him, I did see the genius of his shadow from close up. I came on board Apple to work on an ancillary project the very same week […]
Google Panda And Your Business
GOOGLE PANDA Google has updated it latest search engine called Panda and some people have more than a few things to worry about and others are happy as clams. What does all of this mean to most of us as business owners? Well, it means we have to one more thing we have to keep […]
How Would You Like To Be On The First Page Of Google?
I am breaking into the Vault of SEO tricks and am going to make a very, very limited offer. If you have watched some of what I have presented over the past few years on SEO you have seen some of what I can deliver. I am tired of the posers out there and it […]
WordPress Help? This Is The Place To Go!
WordPress Help Made Easy And Inexpensive
Entrepreneurial Tests
“If you have to take a test to find out if you are an Entrepreneur, you probably aren’t one.” Andrew Anderson
The Simple Answer To Making More Money
How You Can Make More Money Starting Right Now I hardly ever login to Linkedin and only do Facebook about once a week if that. Plus, I have been keeping my Twitter to a minimum these days which is a whole other blog post, but in my quarterly login to Linkedin, I came across one […]