Gain 5 More Hours A Week

No matter what stage of your Business life you are in, be it just starting and and a stone cold Newbie or a seasoned veteran, one of the fastest methods that I know of to increase profits and decrease that amount of time that you work is it put your Focus On Your Strengths and […]

It Is All About How You Can Make More Money

You know something, every once in a while I screw up and I did and I will tell you how.  A lot of times, we like to just put our best foot forward and only focus on our successes.  Well, if you are human, you are going to mess things up every once in in […]

Marketing 101

I have been getting some feedback from a number of businesses and there seem to be a couple of common themes. The first is that many businesses are doing just fine.  For the most part these are the businesses that look at Advertising and Marketing as part of the products or services cost of deliver […]

We Are Not For Everyone, Nor Should You Be

Just wanted to point out a couple of things. and the products and services we provide are not for everyone. This also is a lesson for you in that you do not ever want to be all things to all people because if you go after them all, you will get none. I think […]