An Open Letter to Business People Who Want To Partner With Me
This was originally posted by Dave Albert I am totally re-posting it but he deserves all of the credit. I just so happen to agree with him and added a few more comments at the end. An Open Letter to Business People November 11, 2010 So you have an idea for a start […]

Success Success is often talked about, but hardly ever truly explained in my opinion. I mean, like I want a blueprint that I can follow that has a darn good chance of working. Well, after much thought, interviews, being involved in successful and not successful ventures, here is what I believe it is […]
MBA’s And People That Don’t Get Social Media – Gary Vaynerchuk
I love Gary Vaynerchuk and you should do. Could not agree with him more on this video!
Andrew Anderson
The 7 Ps – Prior Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance

Prior Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance
I am bumping this post up yet again because I am reminded of the value and transcendental truth of this simple saying.
The first time I heard that adage from two young guys named Hollis and Carter, it was like someone slapped me upside the h […]
You Deserve To Be Wealthy And Here Is Why

If You Deserve It, You Will Get It
Money makes the world go around. You have heard it. Is there anyone out there that does not believe it? Well, I am going to give you some practical tips on how you can start improving your financial situation, immediately. I am not talking pie in the sky stuff, bu […]
Virtual Assistants – How To Use Them To Make A Lot More Money Or At Least Survive

If you are like many small businesses or individual Entrepreneurs out there, you are probably looking at ways to make more money or at least cut costs and increase productivity. Perhaps right now you are just looking for ways to survive and keep you and your business a float.
Outsourcing and usi […]
The Easiest Way To Create A Profitable Website

A Profitable Website
This video is best viewed in full screen mode. Click on the icon to the right of the speaker icon above. I will be doing another video going over the basics of what you need and of course, WordPress is the only content managements system that I recommend these days.
Atlas Shrugged – Why You Should Read It

This one Second Prize in the Atlas Shrugged video contest. Enjoy.
Could not say it better myself.
Andrew Anderson
Business And Personal Life, How To Mix The Two And Profit Out The Wazooo!

“Concentrating On Too Many Things Gets Nothing Done…”
No, not an ancient Chinese Proverb, just an Andrew Anderson one.
This axiom has been said in many different ways and no matter which way it is said, it is still true. It does not matter if we are talking your Business, the latest project, […]
Companies That Offer Great Customer Service And Those That Do Not Exist Anymore…

Want to know why in the very near future there are going to be companies that offer Great customer service and those that do not exist anymore?
For those of you that know the answer, it is easy and for those of you that do not, you really need to pay attention here.
It is simple. The answer is […]