How To Profit In 2011 – The Thank You Economy
A great video that nails what you need to be thinking about and doing to succeed in 2011. Sorry about the stupid commercial. 🙂 Let me know what you think.
5 Customer Mindsets You Need To Make More Profits
These are the 5 basic Customer Building Mindsets that you can use in your business to build up your customer base and your profits.
Quotes For Entrepreneurs And Economic Free Choice
“You Sir, are a Wingnut!” – Easy Anderson Here are some Quotes for my fellow Entrepreneurs and on the virtues of Economic Free Choice. The first group is by Winston Churchill. Probably one of the only truly honest and steadfast Politicians, Economists, and Leaders the World has seen in the past 100 […]
Yes, You Do Have What It Takes To Be Successful
I am here to tell you that you have what it takes to be successful. And I am going to give you a secret on how to make sure that you never forget it. Because if you do not believe deep in your soul, it is doubtful that other people or the Universe is going […]
Apple And The iPhone And Piling On – A Trend Of The Times?
Bashing Success And Apologizing For Exceptionalism You must have heard by now that Apple has a few issues with the iPhone unless you were living in a cave. Well, by all accounts if you get your news from the LameStream media, you would think that every iPhone is terrible and that the Government sh […]
How To Get 1,021 New Targeted Twitter Followers Guaranteed
If you are looking for complete Twitter management or just want to jump start your targeted followers, I can help. This can include Geo Targeting (a fancy way of saying by location). You can now get at 1,021 targeted followers for only $79 as an introductory special. This includes scheduling and s […]
Colors That Sell
Colors That Sell or the alternative title – Colors That Sell Shit… i.e. that make you a profit, put money in your pocket, allow you to live your dreams. Now this started off tongue in cheek, but it is serious too. If you are watching the video, please disregard all of the Ums and Aas […]
We Have Two Winners! Do You Know Of A Non-Profit That Could Use A GREAT Website Built For Free?
A Free Website For A Non-Profit Do you know of a great Non-Profit that could use a new $2,500 to $10,000 website for free? We are looking to donate up to three complete Websites with every bell and whistle in the book if need be including hosting for a year for Free. I am proud […]
Free Choice Economics
From 1948 and why they are not teaching this now… Love to know your thoughts. Cheers, Andrew “Easy” Anderson
A Profitable Website
A Profitable Website This video is best viewed in full screen mode. Click on the icon to the right of the speaker icon above. I will be doing another video going over the basics of what you need and of course, WordPress is the only content managements system that I recommend these days. WordPress cu […]