Well for some time now I have wrestled with having a public version of the blog and I have come to the conclusion that if I can save just one person from the grief of the metaphoric skinned knee, then so be it. So I will be making most of my customers only blog available to the public. I will post a couple of the posts every few days as time permits.
Plus, I can do my part to perhaps shift the way business is done by just a little bit by the right people and then we can shift the level at which it is conducted worldwide.
If you have not run into 21to21.com before, we are “Profit Consultants” that Guarantee our clients a certain amount of profit from our assistance or we do not get paid. Wouldn’t it be great if every company did that?
Well the truth of the matter is that will never happen, which is why we have a waiting list for customers.
Many Companies Should Get Rid Of 80% Of Their Clients
One of the other differences is that we advocate that many companies should get rid of 80% of their customers. This is not a typo, many companies would benefit from getting rid of 80% of their customers and concentrating on the 20% that bring in 80% of their business.
By doing so you can usually raise net profit by 21% and lower expenses drastically. While on one hand is may seem counter intuitive, on the other hand if you think about it, it makes perfect sense. While most companies will never do it, that is OK . It makes our job that much easier.
While many of our clients wish to remain private about our services, some do not and in the near future we will be discussing some of the things that we are doing with them and why we decided to work with them.
The simple answer is actually very simple surprisingly enough.
- First off they have integrity and when I say integrity, that means they will follow through with a handshake better than most people do with signed contracts. Their word means something to them
- They are smart and innovative and care about their products and services, as well as their clients
- They are in a unique niche market that is being under served
- They love what they do and know how to have fun while doing it
So there you have our client criteria and perhaps you can make use of it as well. It is good to get rid of some clients and occasionally it is good when they get rid of you too.
I look forward to sharing some of our concepts and procedures that allow our customers to thrive even in this economy and I hope that they can help you do the same. Our goal is for you to see and experience Profit Consulting at its best.
Andrew Anderson
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