Could not having an editor be costing you thousands of dollars?

editor profit consultant

I am going to explain how getting an editor could help you make a lot more money.

This is the edited version of my post. As you will see, there was no miracle.  🙂

How can not having an editor be costing you thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars? Let me start out by saying that I am the King of misspellings, bad grammar and improper punctuation, not to mention making up words, purposely misspelling others and being fond of alliteration, so please bear with me as I explain.

First off, I have really bad dyslexia, which is rather ironic as I make my living writing. What happens is the conversation in my head makes perfect sense, until I start typing it out, that is when things get all messed up. Usually, whole sentences come out backwards and spelling and grammar are arbitrary things. Honestly, I look at this as a gift and competitive edge in business, as it allows me to recognize complex situations, make connections and create unique solutions before the vast majority of people do.

With that being said and because most of us truly do judge a book by its cover, a lot of my potential clients will not see past the typos, bad grammar or improper punctuation to realize just how much more profitable I can help make them. Bottom line, if you have typos, bad grammar or improper punctuation, it does not matter how great your product or service is, people will notice and hesitate when buying!

Do not get me wrong, a lot of people do get “it”.  At the same time, a lot of potential clients who would normally be lapping up everything I have to offer, cannot get past it. This makes me a bit upset.  I have seen it happen, they are going to find some Whanker of a consultant who can spell better but does not know their rear end from a hole in the ground when it comes to what they are doing and that potential client is going to lose out because of it.

Of course it took me a while to realize spelling, grammar and punctuation do matter.  While I like to read things that are spelled correctly, I do not hold it against the writer. Unfortunately, a lot of people do. And as business professionals, we need to care about these people.  Something this easy to fix, should not be ignored.

What is the answer? Get an Editor.

What a good editor can accomplish in just ten minutes could pay for an entire year of their services and put a lot more money in your pocket! Seriously, if you blog, send out letters or copy, and you are not the world’s best at spelling, grammar, or punctuation, you need to get an editor, and NOW!

Get one that likes to edit. There are people out there that love to do it and that is who you want. It is easy for them too. I am probably on the low side but I pay mine $20 dollars an hour.  Crap after this, I am going to have to give mine a raise (yes you are, BTW) .  But, whatever I pay them it is an absolute bargain. It still  only costs me between 50 cents and $5 per blog post to have one of them look over and get it right.

This means I could pick up a $10,000 client because I spent 50 cents to $5 on editing the post which caught that client’s interest. Where else can you get this type of return?

Think about it. People judge you by your output on the Web these days. This is true in your Blogs, Website, emails, and everything else too.

As I say this, I continue to post to my Blog before I have one of my Editors go through it. They usually are not up at 3:00 AM when I get a cool idea and feel compelled to do a post. But I am slowly disciplining myself to have one of them go over it quickly after I post. I probably won’t ever completely break myself of the habit of posting on my own, but I am using my Editors a lot more now that I figured out how much money not using them is costing me.

I still need to have one of them go through this site with a fine tooth comb. If you look at any of the posts, you can tell quite easily when one of them has looked at it.

Now all of this being said, I do not want you to say you cannot afford an Editor. You can and here is why. I am going to make both of mine available to you. Both have degrees and they are awesome at what they do. They can help make you look like the genius you are.

Now yes, I know you can probably find one a bit cheaper, but you really do get what you pay for in this particular area. I also know you can pay a whole lot more for an Editor that is less competent. It took me quite awhile to find these two.

Here is the deal. You can purchase one hour of their time for $20. You can purchase as many hours as you like. One hour should cover a number of blog posts, pages or copy on your website.

Just click on the button below and they will get you hooked up. If you do not, you will never know how many thousands of dollars you are losing.



P. S.  Just for fun, compare my “Before” and “After” posts to see what a difference an Editor can make.