Just wanted to point out a couple of things.  21to21.com and the products and services we provide are not for everyone.

This also is a lesson for you in that you do not ever want to be all things to all people because if you go after them all, you will get none.

I think these guys know who there customers should be.What do you think?  The picture was taken at night but  I think you can make out the picture of the dog in the upper right hand corner.  I was driving to see a friend at the hospital one night and saw this and had to stop and take a picture because I thought, Wow, what a great piece of advertising.  It was on the side of a building.

Picture 392

21to21.com is not for you if:

If you are offended by any of the above, then we are not for you.  However if you can answer in the affirmative, then lets have a chat.

The thing is that too many companies in their effort to attract clients do not let the client know that they are a bad fit.   Sometimes clients fool you as well.

And while I put up some of the more easily identifiable negative traits, sometimes it is nothing bad per say, it is just a bad fit personality wise.

In any case, do your best to try and keep some of your bad clients for whatever reason from ever becoming your clients in the first place and you will be doing both of you a favor.

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